

  1. RefQSR: Reference-based Quantization for Image Super-Resolution Networks
    Lee, Hongjae,  Yoo, Jun-Sang, and Jung, Seung-Won
    IEEE TIP 2024


  1. Video Object Segmentation-aware Video Frame Interpolation
    Yoo, Jun-Sang, Lee, Hongjae, and Jung, Seung-Won
    ICCV 2023
  2. Pose and Shape Estimation of Humans in Vehicles
    Ko, Kwang-Lim,  Yoo, Jun-Sang, Han, Chang-Woo, Kim, Jungyeop, and Jung, Seung-Won
    IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2023
  3. Hierarchical Spatiotemporal Transformers for Video Object Segmentation
    Yoo, Jun-Sang, Lee, Hongjae, and Jung, Seung-Won
    ICCVW 2023
  4. GPS-GLASS: Learning Nighttime Semantic Segmentation Using Daytime Video and GPS data
    Lee, Hongjae, Han, Changwoo,  Yoo, Jun-Sang, and Jung, Seung-Won
    ICCVW 2023


  1. RZSR: Reference-based Zero-Shot Super-Resolution with Depth Guided Self-Exemplars
    Yoo, Jun-Sang, Kim, Dong-Wook, Lu, Yucheng, and Jung, Seung-Won
    IEEE Transaction on Multimedia (TMM) 2022